HELP WANTED: someone to be the face, voice and scribe for a family-based business. Looking for the downtrodden, broken and hurt to be the mouthpiece for our cause. Murderers, liars, thieves, prostitutes, swindlers, drug dealers, etc., are all encouraged to apply.
December 2, 2013 by MB Success Strategies
Filed Under: ABBA Father, ADHD, Christianity, Emotional Wellness, Encouragement, father, Gifted learners, happiness, Karen Maloy, Portfolio, relationships, respect, Twice exceptional learners, Uncategorized Tagged With: broken, change, Christianity, deception, destiny, devotion, disconnect, doing, downtrodden, edification, Emotions, face, family business, fellowship, foundation, friend, God, growth, happiness, heart, help wanted, hurt, incompetence, Jesus, karen maloy; murderers, Leaders, leadership, liars, maturity, mouthpiece, peace, practice, preaching, problems, prostitutes, real, relationships, religion, responsibility, scribe, serve, sincere, spiritual, Spirituality, stumbling, success, swindlers, thieves, tools, trust, truth, Uncategorized, voice, Wellness, wholeness, wisdom