Without happiness your life is a painful existence. – Karen Maloy
God and Fellowship
“You were created with the divine purpose of fellowshiping with God, who is the source of your contentment”. Karen Maloy
God and Happiness
“You must recognize the importance that God places on your happiness.” – Karen Maloy
Firm Foundation
A Firm Foundation is recognizing that God is not trying to ruin your life, He is trying to show you how to enjoy it! Karen Maloy
Healthy Gardens
Your garden will remain healthy, as long as you rip out the weeds – often!
And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee… 2 Cor. 2:9
“Mommy, I have a present for you!” she said with a smile across her face that could only come from a child, “Aren’t they beautiful?” There she was, standing there with a bouquet of beautiful flowers – dandelions. I couldn’t help but smile at the look of satisfaction that she had on her face. Now, anyone who knows anything about gardens, also know that dandelions are also weeds. They grow faster than plants, and being the parasites that they are, will sap the life out of them as well.
I couldn’t help but think of the correlation between sin and dandelions. Sin works in pretty much the same way as those dandelions. It comes to us disguised as something good and pleasurable, and yet in the long run is very harmful to you. We have to be careful that we are not allowing things into our lives that are sapping the very life out of us, and realize that everything that looks good for someone else – isn’t necessarily good for us!
We have all been given a measure of grace but, we have only been given the grace to handle that which we have been called to do. Doing something that you have not been called to do, will only rob you of what you need in order to handle “your ministry” – grace. For starters, you have to know what you have been called to do, focus, and then rip out anything from your life that is pulling your away from your call. And if you are carrying someone else’s cross with your grace – It is time to see it for what it is – a weed. Pull up your weeds that your garden may grow, and be all that God has created you to be. And remember that checking for weeds is a lifelong process – make it a point to check out your garden – often..
Random Thoughts
All day long I have been pondering on the power of deception. Deception is simply rooted in a false truth. Looking at the individual who presents themselves off as someone who they are not in comparison to someone who believe they are someone that they are not; I have to the conclusion that although they are both in bad positions, the latter is the one who is being deceived. An individual who has chosen to deceive others, is not in a position of deception as they have chosen to reject the truth. They however are in a better position in that they know the truth and can still choose to change their position. Being that the others truly believe that they are someone that they are not, they are emotionally connected to a false truth, and any attempts of correction will be viewed as personal attacks, and they end up in a defensive mode to protect themselves from the truth. Thank you Lord for the Holy Spirit that reveals all truths, corrects, and convicts us when we are wrong.
Be blessed – Min. Karen
Relationships and Deliverance
Don’t let anyone keep you in the place that God has delivered you from. Karen Maloy
A Call to Maturity for Christian Leaders
May is the month of graduation for many schools – elementary, middle, high, and college. It is a milestone which measures accomplishment, achievement, and also transition into the next phase of life. Most parents look forward to these transitions, as it also reveals their child’s abilities, and often coincides with more responsibilities. The same is true for spiritual growth. Each individual is expected to transgress beyond salvation which is synonymous with birth, into early childhood (preschool), later childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. Unfortunately, the modern church has been hindered by leaders who have failed to pass that information onto their followers.
Maturity has less to do with physical age then it does with mental and emotional age. In other words, there are many people based on their chronological age would appear to be adults, but their lives are a mere reflection of their immaturity. These individuals may be crippled emotionally, lack life management skills, or fail to assume responsibilities for their actions. This immaturity however, does not exonerate them from expectations. Given the proper knowledge and the opportunity, they can be positioned for success. Christian leaders, it is not beneficial for us to do the work for them.
The American educational system was originally established for the purpose of establishing religious independence. Our forefathers believed that this independence was necessary so that people could learn to read and learn from the bible themselves. However, the modern church has reverted back to doing the work for believers once again. If we continue to study the word and present them with our revelations, this serves to keep believers hindered and handicap them even further. This is a call (and a challenge) for Christian leaders to stop crippling their local body, and to focus on empowering them instead. Our assignment is not to do the work for them but, to teach them how to do the work for themselves. Much like teenagers, we must encourage them to assume some responsibilities, and allow them opportunities to make some mistakes for we often learn from those mistakes. An example of a hindered believer is one who is afraid to take risks.
The goal of leadership is to instruct believers to become mature so they may be vital to the kingdom of God. While the local church may be their training ground, it is their God-ordained destiny to be vital to the local ministry. It is only when we adopt this principles can we see the glory of God revealed in our communities. If you want to make an impact in your community, start with empowering people. According to Hosea 4:6 God’s people are destroyed by their lack of knowledge (NIV). We have a responsibility to examine ourselves regularly to ensure that we are part of the solution and are not the problem.
Be blessed – Karen
Freedom to Choose
“While God has allowed us the freedom to choose to sin, we do not have the freedom to choose our consequences. Likewise, we also do not have the liberty to choose which laws we want to obey either. In God’s eyes there are no degrees of sin because to him all sin is wrong but we are not left without hope. Grace is for those who admit that they need God’s help; mercy is for those who repent and want God’s help; and anyone else, be aware for you are in danger of a hardened heart. Don’t worry though, even those who have a hardened heart will get God’s help too,” Karen Maloy