“God’s grace doesn’t require any effort to be obtained, but it does need to be received.” Karen Maloy
MB Success Strategies dba MB Success Academy
Providing educational opportunities which will transform lives.
“God’s grace doesn’t require any effort to be obtained, but it does need to be received.” Karen Maloy
“What matters most is how you feel about you; so stop worrying about what they are saying about you!” Karen Maloy
HELP WANTED: someone to be the face, voice and scribe for a family-based business. Looking for the downtrodden, broken and hurt to be the mouthpiece for our cause. Murderers, liars, thieves, prostitutes, swindlers, drug dealers, etc., are all encouraged to apply.
Your life is truly a gift from God, but what you do with that gift is your responsibility.
Now that you have determined what it that you would change in your life if you didn’t have to worry about obstacles, what have you been doing about it?
I don’t know where I got this but I thought it was worth sharing.
“A – He is our ABBA Father. No matter what kind of natural father you had or maybe you didn’t have one, it is comforting to know that God is our Abba Father and He loves us with a perfect love. Romans 8:15 For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.”
Be Blessed – Min. Karen
“You can dress it up all you want to but, if if the core is rotten it will soon wreak.” Karen Maloy
Mistakes are an uncomfortable and yet necessary fact of life. If we do not make any mistakes, we fail to accept our imperfections. While no one on this earth is perfect, we do often need to strive for perfection in our quest for excellence. In those moments of striving is when we must be the most careful as we cannot forget to allow ourselves to make those mistakes. Our mistakes can be the only thing which will be the difference between our successes and our failures. A mistake is only a failure if we fail to learn from them. So make your mistakes, learn from them, and continue to grow.
Be blessed – Min. Karen
Your garden will remain healthy, as long as you rip out the weeds – often!
And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee… 2 Cor. 2:9
“Mommy, I have a present for you!” she said with a smile across her face that could only come from a child, “Aren’t they beautiful?” There she was, standing there with a bouquet of beautiful flowers – dandelions. I couldn’t help but smile at the look of satisfaction that she had on her face. Now, anyone who knows anything about gardens, also know that dandelions are also weeds. They grow faster than plants, and being the parasites that they are, will sap the life out of them as well.
I couldn’t help but think of the correlation between sin and dandelions. Sin works in pretty much the same way as those dandelions. It comes to us disguised as something good and pleasurable, and yet in the long run is very harmful to you. We have to be careful that we are not allowing things into our lives that are sapping the very life out of us, and realize that everything that looks good for someone else – isn’t necessarily good for us!
We have all been given a measure of grace but, we have only been given the grace to handle that which we have been called to do. Doing something that you have not been called to do, will only rob you of what you need in order to handle “your ministry” – grace. For starters, you have to know what you have been called to do, focus, and then rip out anything from your life that is pulling your away from your call. And if you are carrying someone else’s cross with your grace – It is time to see it for what it is – a weed. Pull up your weeds that your garden may grow, and be all that God has created you to be. And remember that checking for weeds is a lifelong process – make it a point to check out your garden – often..
All day long I have been pondering on the power of deception. Deception is simply rooted in a false truth. Looking at the individual who presents themselves off as someone who they are not in comparison to someone who believe they are someone that they are not; I have to the conclusion that although they are both in bad positions, the latter is the one who is being deceived. An individual who has chosen to deceive others, is not in a position of deception as they have chosen to reject the truth. They however are in a better position in that they know the truth and can still choose to change their position. Being that the others truly believe that they are someone that they are not, they are emotionally connected to a false truth, and any attempts of correction will be viewed as personal attacks, and they end up in a defensive mode to protect themselves from the truth. Thank you Lord for the Holy Spirit that reveals all truths, corrects, and convicts us when we are wrong.
Be blessed – Min. Karen
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