Foolishness or Wisdom

“Don’t waste your time blaming the enemy for your bad decisions, you are free to take credit for those.”. Karen Maloy


Remember Cain, while the church will accept all your offerings God will not. Karen Maloy-McDonald

Empty Vessels

“Don’t waste your time pouring into empty vessels, they are empty because they choose to not put anything in it!” Karen Maloy

Foolishness or Wisdom

“A foolish man (or woman) will cast off all restraints to inflict revenge when the opportunity presents itself; while wisdom knows better.” Karen Maloy

Ignorance and Knowledge

“You cannot reason with or rationalize ignorance; you can however erase it with knowledge.”  Karen Maloy

Age and Wisdom

“I remember when I was in my teenage years and thought that old was anything over 30; however, when I reached the ripe old age of 30, I had enough sense to know that I had to glean from the wisdom of my elders.  Imagine my surprise this morning when I realized that I am now one of them.”   – Karen Maloy

Life Testament

It is a sad testimony to get to the end of your life and realize that the enemy was not your worst enemy but you were. Karen Maloy

Maturity and Responsibility

“Maturity has nothing to do with age. You can be just as immature at the age of 55 as you were at 25, especially if you never learn anything about assuming responsibility.  No one should have to remind you to assume your responsibilities; and if for some reason you can’t, at least be mature enough to face it.  Avoidance is nothing more than burying your head in the sand and pretending that the problem does not exist.” (Excerpt from The Deception of Spiritual Leadership)

What exactly is emotional abuse?

Bruises and broken bones are potential signs of physical abuse, but emotional abuse leaves no obvious marks. “Emotional abuse is about someone manipulating your emotions on a psychological level,” Krumins explains. “And it goes beyond simple verbal bullying.” Emotional abusers may come across as bullies, yet they are often “silent monsters” that fake affection while knowing precisely how to manipulate situations, hurt and humiliate their victims and do whatever it takes to stay in control of the situation and their victims.

Even though emotional abusers can quickly explain away or make excuses for their abusive behavior, Krumins is quick to state that emotional abusers know exactly what they’re doing. Emotional abusers are masters of manipulation, lying, intimidation and guilt. “They’ve been perfecting what they do to people ever since they were little — and they chose to be this way,” she adds. “They don’t want to change and they don’t care who they hurt as long as no one suspects them, and the situation works for them.”  Michele Borboa, MS

Empowerment and Relationships

God sends people into your life to empower you. – Karen Maloy

When God created man it was for a purpose - to fellowship with Him.  When He built
Eve for Adam it was for a purpose - to fellowship with Him.  When He gave His son to
die on the cross, it was for a purpose - to bring us back into fellowship with Him. 
Knowing this about God, then we can conclude that he is a purposeful God.  Given
that we are also created in His image, then we can conclude that we are to become
purposeful, and when it comes to our relationships, we also have to consider that
they are there for a purpose.

In Hebrews 10:25, we learn that we are not to forsake coming together in order to
encourage one another. While we have conveniently interpreted that to mean that we
need to go to church, it is more of a principle to encourage saints to stay
connected with one another.  It just so happens that church is the place where that
most often occurs.  However, if we have limited our fellowship to only those moments
when we attending church, we are in fact hindering our own development.  Much like
the diamond in the rough that needs pressure to become that precious stone,
Christians need one another to develop into that beautiful treasure God intended
them to be.   When we consider the relationships in our lives, we have to learn to
evaluate them according to God principles.    If they are not helping you to grow,
mature and flourish, then consider that their purpose may not be empowerment but -

Be Blessed - Min. Karen