Respect and Relationships

Although God requires us to respect all individuals equally, we must realize that He tells us to do it because it is not something that we always find easy to do.  Just think about it, if it was something that we could do so easily, God would not have to give us a commandment to do it.   However, while we can (and should) expect someone to respect us, it is something that we cannot demand.

According to John Maxwell respect is something which must be earned.  So, when we think of respect in relation to our relationships, we must remember that it is two-fold – 1) it is something that we should strive to always give, and 2) it it is something that we should always expect to receive.  If you are not I encourage you to consider the following, perhaps you have not presented yourself as someone who deserves to be respected; or worst yet, the other person doesn’t know how to respect you.  Whatever the case you have a choice to make – change yourself or change the people around you.