Only 18 inches

“The difference between heaven and hell is only 18 inches, the distance between your head and your heart.” Karen Maloy

Show It

It is one thing to say that “I love you”, if you really mean it you will show it. Karen Maloy

Foundation or Mask?

“The Word is a foundation to build your life upon, not a mask that you hide behind.” Karen Maloy


The evidence of desire is pursuit, if you are not pursuing it then one can only conclude that you don’t desire it. Karen Maloy


Be careful that the thing that looks good today doesn’t bite tomorrow.  Karen Maloy

rattle snake


While God is the one who chooses the destination, it is I who determines what path I take to get there.  Karen Maloydestination

Is It Worth It?

“Some things are just not worth the time and effort, and it takes wisdom to know the difference.” Karen Maloy

Now and then

When I compare my life now to who I was then, I have one word – unrecognizable! Karen Maloy

Half full or half empty?

“In a glass which is half-full a bad ending is a simply an opportunity for a great beginning!” Karen Maloy

Gifts From Heaven


“God’s grace doesn’t require any effort to be obtained, but it does need to be received.” Karen Maloy