Examine the Foundation

“Each trial and victory, each pain and joy, each relationship and experience (the good and the bad) make up the building blocks and the foundation of your life.  When we fail to inspect that foundation, we are in essence unaware of our foundational cracks.  It is only when we are honest with ourselves can we begin to make changes to repair misconceptions and patterns of wrong thinking. We cannot mature spiritually if we are unable or unwilling to examine our foundation for cracks and be willing to invest in its repair.  If we do not, much like the house which was built on sand In the midst of a storm, your house will be destroyed.” – Karen Maloy

It’s Not Over!

“When the thought of that person:  (1)  Makes your blood boil;  (2)  incites thoughts of revenge; (3)  makes you sick to your stomach; or (4)  brings on intense feelings of fear; you still have some work to do.” Karen Maloy

“Everyday you f…

“Everyday you face a challenge (or an obstacle), you have an opportunity to increase your strength. You alone determine whether it will make you or break you.” Karen Maloy

Free Your Mind

He who the Son sets free is free indeed; but, until you renew your mind you are still imprisoned. – Karen Maloy

Strength In Challenges

“Everyday you face a challenge (or an obstacle), you have an opportunity to increase your strength.  You alone determine whether it will make you or break you.” Karen Maloy

“We wrestle not…

“We wrestle not against flesh and blood but, we have to deal with them!” Karen Maloy

“The true test …

“The true test of your faith is the moment God asks you to do something that doesn’t make any sense.” Karen Maloy

Undercover Devils

“While an undercover devil may hide their true colors for a while, you can rest assured in the presence of a spirit filled believer he will be revealed.” Karen Maloy

Happiness and Existence

Without happiness your life is a painful existence. – Karen Maloy

Firm Foundation

A Firm Foundation is recognizing that God is not trying to ruin your life, He is trying to show you how to enjoy it! Karen Maloy