How Important are You?. Good words of wisdom to live by
Ignorance and Knowledge
“You cannot reason with or rationalize ignorance; you can however erase it with knowledge.” Karen Maloy
Age and Wisdom
“I remember when I was in my teenage years and thought that old was anything over 30; however, when I reached the ripe old age of 30, I had enough sense to know that I had to glean from the wisdom of my elders. Imagine my surprise this morning when I realized that I am now one of them.” – Karen Maloy
Life Testament
It is a sad testimony to get to the end of your life and realize that the enemy was not your worst enemy but you were. Karen Maloy
Maturity and Responsibility
“Maturity has nothing to do with age. You can be just as immature at the age of 55 as you were at 25, especially if you never learn anything about assuming responsibility. No one should have to remind you to assume your responsibilities; and if for some reason you can’t, at least be mature enough to face it. Avoidance is nothing more than burying your head in the sand and pretending that the problem does not exist.” (Excerpt from The Deception of Spiritual Leadership)
Unity of Word and Deed
What matters the most is not in what we say but in what we do. While we may say all of the right words, if our actions does not coincide with our words, it is null and void. Karen Maloy
Relationships and Character
“To take what someone said in confidence and use it against them says a lot about one’s character – they have none!” Karen Maloy
Don’t Trust The Title!
“Just because someone holds a title or is in a prominent position doesn’t mean that they are qualified but, infers they possess the foundational tools for success. According to Murphy’s Law, every man (or woman) rises to their level of incompetence; and what they do with that level makes a world of difference. A spiritual leader with a position has not arrived, but have just arrived to their next training ground. While it may allow you the responsibility to lead others, it does absolve you of the responsibility of leading yourself.” (excerpted from “The Deception of Spiritual Leadership” by Karen Maloy)