It is one thing to say that “I love you”, if you really mean it you will show it. Karen Maloy
Show It
April 1, 2014 by MB Success Strategies
Filed Under: ABBA Father, ADHD, Christianity, Emotional Wellness, Encouragement, father, Gifted learners, happiness, Karen Maloy, Portfolio, relationships, respect, Twice exceptional learners, Uncategorized Tagged With: change, Christianity, deception, destiny, devotion, edification, Emotions, fellowship, foundation, friend, friendships, God, growth, happiness, heart, Jesus, Karen Maloy, Leaders, leadership, love, practice, realness, relationships, show it, sincere, spiritual, Spirituality, truth, Wellness, wholeness
Gifts From Heaven
December 13, 2013 by MB Success Strategies

“God’s grace doesn’t require any effort to be obtained, but it does need to be received.” Karen Maloy
Filed Under: ABBA Father, ADHD, Christianity, Emotional Wellness, Encouragement, father, Gifted learners, happiness, Karen Maloy, Portfolio, relationships, respect, Twice exceptional learners, Uncategorized Tagged With: change, Christianity, destiny, devotion, edification, Emotions, fellowship, gift, God, God's grace, grade, growth, happiness, heart, Jesus, Karen Maloy, Leaders, leadership, love, maturity, obtained, peace, real, received, relationships, responsibility, sincere, spiritual, Spirituality, success, Wellness, wholeness