What the Point?

“You may have a message; but if no one else can benefit from it,  your message is meaningless!” Karen Maloy

Relationships and Fruits

“While we would like to believe it, not all people are who they say they are (or who they believe they are). You are advised to measure them (not judge them) by their fruits.  It will save you a lot of heartache and grief if you do this BEFORE you commit.”  Karen Maloy

Spiritual Growth

“Strength in a few areas does not absolve you of your responsibility to grow in others. ” Karen Maloy

Test or Trial

“Just when you think you can’t handle anymore…… you get more.” Karen Maloy

Foolishness or Wisdom

“Don’t waste your time blaming the enemy for your bad decisions, you are free to take credit for those.”. Karen Maloy


Responsibility has less to do with what you want, and more to do with what you should do. Karen Maloy

Foolishness or Wisdom

“A foolish man (or woman) will cast off all restraints to inflict revenge when the opportunity presents itself; while wisdom knows better.” Karen Maloy

Ignorance and Knowledge

“You cannot reason with or rationalize ignorance; you can however erase it with knowledge.”  Karen Maloy

Age and Wisdom

“I remember when I was in my teenage years and thought that old was anything over 30; however, when I reached the ripe old age of 30, I had enough sense to know that I had to glean from the wisdom of my elders.  Imagine my surprise this morning when I realized that I am now one of them.”   – Karen Maloy

Life Testament

It is a sad testimony to get to the end of your life and realize that the enemy was not your worst enemy but you were. Karen Maloy